Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to my blog! My name is Ellie and I am a stay a home crafty mummy, who trys to juggle playing teddy bears picnic with my lovely daughter Amelie and making pretty things for childrens bedrooms. I have a Folksy shop www.folksy.com/shops/petitoiseau and a Facebook fan page (Petit Oiseau - Handmade Canvas's).

My blog will be about my day to day life being a mummy and trying to set up my own business.... with all its ups and downs!! Thank you for taking the time to follow me x

Monday, 31 January 2011

Folksy Shout Out!!!!!

I would just like to say a HUGE thank you to all my followers that have found me via Folksy... It is such a great community and everybody is always so supportive! Where would I be without my beloved FOLKSY!! xx


  1. Love your Folksy shop! Have just blogged about it, have yourself a wee looky x x x x


  2. Eeeek! Just seen thanks so much its fab!
    and thank you, if you have any yummy mummy friends please will you put up a link on your fb page? Just trying to spread the word... xx
